Gentle Giant Whale Shark

5 Tourism Destinations of Whale Shark in Indonesia

Sumbawa Adventour

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sumbawa whale shark

Gentle Giant Whale Shark – 5 Tourism Destinations in Indonesia – Sumbawa Adventour

Interesting facts about gentle giants are also crowned as the largest fish species. Despite this, researchers say that this type of fish is harmless to humans. It’s no wonder that divers aren’t afraid to get close to this animal. Well, if you want to follow in the footsteps of explorers to meet whale sharks, here are 5 tourist destinations you can visit to find this creature.

Wakatobi, Southeast Sulawesi

Wakatobi National Park is one of the National Parks located in Southeast Sulawesi. This place known and famous as an underwater paradise because of the diversity of flora and fauna in it. This location is surrounded by straits that become an entry point for marine fauna, one of which is the whale shark. In addition, you can also see various rare protected species such as hawksbill turtles, green turtles, napoleon fish.

Derawan Island, East Kalimantan.

Derawan Island may be famous for the tame jellyfish in Lake Kakaban. However, this island is also the place to visit if you want to see or swim with sharks. In addition to the unspoiled coral reefs and mangrove ecosystem, you can easily meet this fish here because of its large size and slow swimming. The existence of this creature in Derawan Island and its surroundings is allegedly from the Talisayan area, Berau. Although known to be harmless to humans, you still have to be careful if you want to swim with pause sharks, avoid the most active part, namely the tail / rear fin of this creature.

Botubarani Beach, Gorontalo, North Sulawesi.

This soft white sand beach is home to whale sharks. Located in Bone Bolango district, Gorontalo, these fish can be easily found here. Plankton, which is their food, thrives in these waters. 

Cenderawasih Bay, West Papua

Cenderawasih Bay is located in the Nabire and Manokwari regions. You could say that these waters are the playground of whale sharks. in Cenderawasih Bay are very tame, so you should not hesitate to swim with them. If you’re lucky, you can see not just one, but a pod of whale sharks. However, don’t get too close, as it can stress them out.

Saleh Bay, Sumbawa, West Nusa Tenggara

Sumbawa Whale SharkSaleh Bay Sumbawa is the world’s newest Whale Shark site in Indonesia which began to be visited in 2018. Did you know many international media call, that Sumbawa is the best spot to see whale sharks in Indonesia. if you intrested doing this tour in Sumbawa, the tour starting from 04 am, because the appearance naturally follows the lifting hours of fishing nets that occur every day throughout the year.

Fishermen fishing nets operate in the hundreds in every day, of course, because of the catch of plankton and small shrimps which are of very good quality favored by these giant fish, at that hour they will circle the fishermen’s nets that begin to be hauled up to the boat, usually whale sharks are not infrequently caught in the net, but the fishermen carefully release them.

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